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Door Of Hope Ministries, Inc.
with a gift

Your support is vital to helping
Door Of Hope Ministries accomplish the mission of Improving the Quality of Life for Women!
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Secure Donations
Thank you so much for your donation!
How Your Donation Helps:
Door Of Hope Ministries always wants to be able to respond and meet the needs of women who contact us. Your tax deductible gift enables us to help women entrapped by desperate situations.
You will grant us the ability to offer hope and help to women facing challenging circumstances such as domestic violence, spiritual brokenness, low self-esteem, inadequate career skills, chronic illness, loneliness.
We count on your support to help us sustain our benevolence ministry, which provides resources to women who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford the resources they critically need.
With your financial gift, you play a key role in helping Door Of Hope Ministries provide food to families suffering from an economic hardship.
Your support also helps us to develop or purchase or teach or distribute courses and materials offering practical education to women who would have no other source of support for personal and spiritual development, because of high costs of training, counseling, materials, or other supportive services.
With rescue comes help. With recovery comes hope. With restoration comes healing. You can be proud knowing that your caring and support is helping women become anew in mind, body, and spirit!
YOU make a positive difference in the lives of women!
You may be able to give more: Prayers, Talent, Time, Gifts, Finances. No matter the form or amount of your gift, it will be a blessing to the women we serve at Door Of Hope Ministries.
Thank you so much for your donation!
Uniform Disclosure Statement:
Door Of Hope Ministries, Inc. is a public charity exempt from federal income tax as an Organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, you can get a tax deduction on all of your donations to the Organization to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Note: Remember to put your donation receipts with your tax records, so when you prepare your income tax return you won't forget to claim a charitable tax deduction. Also, when you click a Donate button, a secure connection will be established to protect your information while you are donating.
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